Saturday 8 September 2012

Target Audience

The particular audience I am aiming my music video at will be about mid teens to mid twenties (15-25). This is due to the fact that around this age range most individuals enjoy attending live gigs. I think this age group would be most appropriate as when the band first started out they were in this target market. Also, the majority of songs they sing about it about relationships and how they don't always work out, which reflects who happens during this age, where people find love but sometimes it doesn't always last. I wouldn't say that Mayday Parade is a particularly mainstream band, as not everyone has heard of them before and therefore I am aiming at a relatively niche market. However, with my music video for the song could make individuals more aware of the band.

Due to the fact that the theme I am conveying in my music video is romance, this will mainly interest the female audience. However, as I am thinking of including a break up scene, I believe both girls and boys will be able to relate to this storyline, especially if they have gone through this sort of experience themselves. Furthermore, after looking at Mayday Parade's their official website, there are a mixture of fans from both genders, resulting that I shouldn't just aim my music video at one specific genre. Although, some people may stereotype rock music as a more of a male based genre, most of my friends who listen to mayday parade are female. So for those reasons I stated above, I believe it is the best option to aim my music video at both male and females. 

The genre of music is rock, however, it is not heavy metal it is more easy listening to, to try and convey a message that the audience can relate to if they have ever been in that situation.

The general lifestyle I would expect my target audience to have would either be a student, study higher education such as university of having a part time job, where they have time to attend gigs. I would also say that they aren't necessarily interested in mainstream songs and artists and would much prefer artists that the potential to become popular with the right marketing and advertisement. Additionally, they may have a close group of friends which they enjoy listening and sharing the same music on spotify or other music sites as well as attending gigs every so often. 

The main interests that I would imagine my target market doing would them doing would be listening music in their spare time, chilling with their groups of friends as well as attending local gigs or one of the favourite bands concerts on a regular basis. They may even be interested in playing an instrument such as guitar or drums etc.

Socio-economic group:
My target audience for this particular style/artist of music I believe would fit into class D and E. this would mainly down to the fact that most of individuals aged 15-25 will either be students, unemployed or working on minimum wage. Although, they may have a lack of money they would most probably spend it on gigs rather than anything else.

The basic plot I have trying to convey is that sometimes love and relationships can be complicated and don't always work. Usually in life, one decision can change someones life and this is what I am going to try and portray in my music video. The video itself should tell a story and link in with the lyrics as well as the title to intrigue the viewers attention.

The main representations I am going to include is to show the difference between the happy memories Vs reality and how the relationship goes from perfect to over in a matter seconds and words.

The particular genre of music I have chosen to represent my theme in my music video, will be used to attract the niche market that know of the band and will end up growing in popularity due to the process of "word of mouth". Although rock music isn't particularly a niche market, there is a rather lot of this style of music in the charts currently. Therefore, this particular song I have chosen is less heavy metal rock that may not appeal to people and more relatable. This could cause the song/the artist to become more mainstream then never before due to the music video.

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