Friday 7 September 2012

Ideologies & Representations

"An ideology is a world view, a system of values, attitudes and beliefs which an individual, group or society holds to be true or important; these are shared by a culture or society about how that society should function."

Ideologies are usually repeated to us by institutions such as the government, media texts, education and are carried out through advertisements and word of mouth. As ideologies are shown or discussed daily which makes us internalise them as normal, meaning we accept it's behaviour and don't question the norm. A particular dominant ideology that has become a sort of stereotype over the years is gender roles. For example, a woman's place is always in the kitchen and how boys will be boys - they rough and tumble.

Ideology of my genre:
Although my band Mayday Parade are well known for their rock music (which usually is rather fast up beat heavy songs) the one I am using for my music video, goes against their conventions a bit. This is mainly down to the fact it is rather slow. However, it still has a powerful message that most of their existing songs convey. I will ensure that when creating my ideas for my music video, that I stick to relevant ideologies and representations of the different genders that I include in my music video.

How does this relate to my music video?
By understanding that ideologies can have such a huge impact on individuals, has made me conscious to ensure that I don't represent my characters as "out of character". Therefore, I will be wary of represent each of my character's gender and try to ensure I don't show any inequality in my video music that could damage the success of my final product. Although my song that I have chosen is sang my a male and I will most likely have a male character to play a bigger role, this does;t necessarily mean he is more significant; just telling the viewer a story of his memories he had with his girlfriend. 

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