Thursday 13 September 2012

Organising Actors, Costumes, Props and Locations

Before filming my music video, I need to make some important decisions on who my talent is going to be, what equipment and props I will need to bring with me as well as planning out the locations of where I will take the footage.

Due to the fact that I am planning to do a video on a couple breaking up, I will need two people (boy and a girl) to fill these roles. As I will need to do a variety of scenes on different days I will need to ask two people who are reliable and can count on. Therefore, I have decided to use my best friends Samantha and Tom to play these roles, as we all get on really well and they don't mind being in my music video.

As I am aiming to capture variety of stages of a "typical" relationship, my talent won't need to wear anything specific but normal day to day clothes.

The main props that I am thinking of using throughout my music video will be:
  • A blanket which they will sit on to display they are on a picnic and laying on the grass on (in case it has rained the day before and don't want to get wet).
  • Apparatus from the local park e.g. seesaw, swings etc.
  • Food for the picnic e.g. strawberries and chocolate.
  • A piano for when the protagonist sings the song.
  • Scrapbook to portray the happy memories of their relationship.
  • A car from the running over scene.
I am planning to stick to a few local locations to make it easier when filming, rather than having to travel too far to get the results I am aiming for. The places I am planning to film in are:
  • North park.
  • My back garden.
  • My hallway for where the argument scene.
  • Either a bedroom or living room where the protagonist reminisces through the scrapbook.
  • Outside my house for the running over scene and where the protagonist gets caught in the rain.

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