Sunday 9 September 2012

Analysis of Previous Students Work

I just happened to type into Google "breaking up music videos" and this popped up as one of the main searches. I personally have never heard of this song so had no idea what to expect from the video that these individuals had made. One of the main things about this music video that I liked it how it starts off as your stereotypical "lovey dovey" relationship where they do everything together to convey the "ideal love story". However, as the music video progresses it's the twist in the middle, which makes the viewer realise that being in love was more of a burden for him than anything else. 

At the beginning of the music video, they have a rotating image in black and white of them. This straight away indicates to the viewer that this is either a video about something from the past or that their relationship is a classic love story where it was love at first sight but it doesn’t last forever. The use of the white sans serif font not only shows that time is moving on, but that their relationship is becoming rather boring and sooner or later they will be moving on with time.

One of the clever and ironic shots of this music video is where the protagonist decides to break up with his girlfriend over phone call. During this scene I believe they thought about the mise-en-scene as there is a poster reading “all you need is love”, which is again ironic considering the situation occurring. Not only this but when the singer of the song starts to the sing the chorus “breaking up” the girlfriend lip syncs these words which is effective, as the audience know straight away (if they didn’t already) what is happening.

Throughout the music video there are a variety of stereotypes included and ideologies represented, which makes it amusing for the viewers to watch. One of the main examples is the aftermath of the break up, where the girl starts comfort eating with ice-cream and lying in her bed crying over the current situation. This is one of the main stereotypes that you find about girls and how when something upsets them they tend to mop around, unsure how to move on. Another common perseption found in this music video is where the protagonist ends the relationship and doesn't acted fazed in the slightest. In fact, he seems to act like the "macho" man by not getting upset and is indeed relieved he is out of the relationship.By him starting to work out and improve on his appearance, implies he is already over his previous relationship (unlike his ex) and is aiming to impress the next girl that comes along.

Overall, this video is extremely humorous and was rather unexpected when i first watched it. Although this music video has taken a completely different stamp on a break up, in comparison to what I am thinking of producing, it has made me realise by not sticking a typical ending of a relationship would be more interesting for the audience to watch. Although my chosen song isn't about someone becoming happy because they are now "free" from a relationship, the unexpected twist ensures that it is not like a stereotypical break up, which I too am aiming for.

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