Thursday 1 November 2012

First Draft Of My Music Video

Now that I have started editing my film, I thought it would be a good idea to show the progress I am making. Therefore, I decided to mess around with the footage I have recorded to come up with the first minute of my actual song. Here is what my music video looks so far....

On reflection, although its only a minute long, I am happy with what I have produced so far. I have tried to ensure that I have stuck to my original story line and script, so I don't lose the message I am trying to perceive in this video. As our teachers have told us there needs to be lip syncing in our video, I have added this in (as I didn't realise the importance of this at the time when I created my script). Even though I am proud of what I have achieved currently, I still have a fair way to go!

Next Step:
When watching this clip several times, I believe where I have added lip syncing in whilst my talents are arguing, it doesn't really flow, so I will aim to add more lip syncing somewhere else. So that will be my main next step! Also, another step will be to obviously add more footage onto my project, to actually make the next draft of my music video.

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