Thursday 25 October 2012

My Final Magazine Advertisement

After deciding which of the 3 posters I prefer and think would look the best to be my magazine advertisement, I thought it would be a good idea to show how I progressed from seconds drafts, to third and now final. Here is a step to step on what I did to create my final piece:
Looking back on my second drafts, I thought that the two pictures I had merged together still looked like to separated images, as you could still see the difference in colour of the grass. Therefore, I went onto Photoshop and used the clone tool to drag the grass from the top to merge with the bottom and look like the grass is the same colour throughout the image.

This picture above displays the difference in the before and after I used the clone tool.

I then got "Mayday Parade" logo off the internet and added a new layer onto the image to place the title of the band. I liked the effect of how the writing merged well with the background of trees. the only thing I decided to change was to fill in the "R" off "parade" in back so it was more visible for the audience's eye.

Afterwards, I added a rectangular shape across Tom' sbody, so I was able to add text onto the banner to help the font stand out and more visible on the eye. I then added a circle shape (known as a burst) to stand out from the rest of the poster and advertise the new single of Mayday Parade's. I also ensured that I kept continuity with the texts by using the same font "Babas Neue" for all of the information displayed on the poster. I did this mainly down to the fact that Mayday Parade's posters stick to this convention, with bold, plain and in upper case letters. Furthermore, I used the "ancient stone" affect for the text to give it the gold colour and stand out on the poster. Overall, this is my final magazine advertisement above.


Looking back at the original image I found on the internet, I believe I have kept similar conventions to the one I have created. For example some similarities are:
  • Bold, plain, yet effective font 
  • Minimal colours used
  • The logo of Mayday Parade is the largest piece of text on the poster
  • Including a burst for the promotional song from the band
  • Used a banner to help the text of information stand out

Next Step: - Go onto Photoshop and:
  • Crop the "R" in the logo of "parade" so I can make the text larger on the poster (like on the existing poster).
  • Ensure that the two backgrounds (top and bottom picture) are fully merged together so it looks like they are just one image.

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