Thursday 27 December 2012

Evaluation 3 - What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

Throughout the progression on my music video, I ensured that I got as much audience feedback as possible, as at the end of the day I needed to produce something that would appeal to my audience's desires. As the target audience I based my music video on was between 15-25 year olds, I was able to ask my friends in my year on what they thought about my video.

Once I had established the genre of my video and got some basic background information on my band, I was able to understand the ideologies this genre represented and got some ideas for my music video. After discovering that existing songs created by the band are usually about break ups or implying "love is a losing game", I decided to stick to this convention and base my video on these thoughts and feelings. Therefore, deconstructing music videos that I found inspirational, was extremely helpful to explore the codes and conventions music video use to appeal to my target audience.

After producing a first draft for each of my subsidiary tasks, I ensured that I showed my target audience to gain feedback on what they thought needed improving. Not only did I gain my audience feedback on my first drafts but on my second, third etc, to ensure that I was meeting their requirements on what they thought would make appealing ancillary tasks and a final music video. Receiving feedback from my peers gave me confidence in helping create my final products, as I knew with their opinions and improvements, I could make something that appealed to them.

Asking my audience's opinion was extremely helpful when I was editing each of my drafts for my music video. I showed them all of my drafts and made adjustments to my music video based on their opinions. As my first and second drafts were only a half the song, I decided to make an executive decision on what needed editing as well as asking my peers. At the time I had made my first full version of my music video, I was satisfied with what I had achieved but decided to ask several of my peer's opinions on it and see if they thought of it. After hearing their views, I realised I still had much work to do, involving me creating another draft before creating my final music video.

What I have learnt from audience feedback is that you can never have too many drafts or ever have too much advice on what needs improving on your work. Without asking my peer's opinion, I don't think my video would have been as realistic and touching as it is now, due to the fact I may have not noticed myself that the room I had originally filmed in wasn't "boyish" enough, as well as my talent Sam ducking too early when she was about to get run over. Therefore, by consulting with my peers at every opportunity I got, helped me produce appealing final products that my audience would either watch, read or buy. If I hadn't reflected in detail on their opinions, I don't think my video would be as successful as it is now I have finished it.

When asking my target audience's opinions on my final music video I received positive feedback throughout and all of the them had a preferred meaning. When I interviewed my friend Jamie about the song choice, she did say at first she had a negotiated reading about it. However, once I put my music video to the song, she admitted how she changed her mind and loved listening and watching my creation. She also mentioned that if more music videos were like this (with a relatable storyline or even shocking twist) to this genre of music, she may listen to this style more often.

Furthermore, I would say that I concentrated on the flow of meaning and flow of emotion throughout my music video, as I has to ensure that my audience understood the plot that he was looking back at their memories when she was alive. Obviously on first watch, people don't realise this until the end when they realise that she dies. Therefore, by people feeling empathy throughout, especially evoking sympathy at the end, shows that I successfully captures these in my video.

Overall, this coursework piece has helped my gain a greater understanding and importance of audience feedback, as without people's opinions there would have been no key into my video's success. Over recent years, marketing and viewing products online have increased popularity excessively, implying that it is becoming a major way of accessing people's opinions and finding out what people like and dislike. One of the main emerging technologies that keeps on growing is the popularity of social networking sites and viewing videos on YouTube. This is mainly down to the fact these pieces of software are accessible at anytime, appealing to individuals. Therefore, I thought it would be a good way to receive feedback by uploading my video onto YouTube and social networking sites such as Facebook and Tumblr (see below).

In Conclusion:
From gaining audience feedback from my peers and on social networking sites, I was able to ask their opinions to help me produce final products that appeal to them. If I hadn't constantly referred back to my target audience throughout each drafts of my different tasks, I may not have created a realistic looking music video that they enjoyed watching or ancillary tasks that would attract their eye.

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