Sunday 23 December 2012

Evaluation 2 - How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product And Ancillary Tasks?

When creating all of my products for my coursework task, I ensured that all of them fitted in with the idea of the memory and looking back at the past. Additionally, I had to ensure that I kept continuity throughout all of my tasks.



Digipak (Inside and Outside Cover)

One of the main ways I tried to keep continuity was the fonts that I used on both ancillary tasks. I ensured it was a bold font, as on existing album covers, there's are usually big and bold to catch the audience's eye. 


Although the scene of my male protagonist looking up into the sky (like on my advertisement) didn't feature in my music video, but the scene of them holding hands together on the grass was including, creating a link between the two tasks (as he is wearing the same colour top).
Even though at first the outside of my CD cover may not seem to combine well with my other tasks, there is a link. For example, the idea of having the rose in their hands, implies that at the beginning of their relationship everything was under control and as you move on to the back and middle panel is showings their love falling through their hands and all is left is the memories which are slowly disappearing. Like my music video, I wanted to create a story throughout my ancillary tasks, although my video doesn't feature flowers in you associate them with death sometimes when leaving them on gravestones.
 By including my talents on all on each one of my tasks, keep continuity throughout each link and subconsciously makes my audience realised that all of them are connected somehow to one another.

Here's a short video of my teachers giving their feedback on how all of the tasks that I have created link together. Although they may not be in my target audience, I decided them as well as my target audience on what they thought of my products to witness how the penumbra 
effect works. As they know what happens behind the scenes I thought it was important to ask them, not just purely because they are good at media terminology!
 Here are their opinions below:

As the video demonstrates, my teachers were impressed by all of my tasks and understood and acknowledge the key elements I purposely used and put in to create the message throughout my video, advertisement and digipak. Therefore, as both my target audience and teachers were impressed by my work, I feel as though I have succeeded in creating a successful video that links well with my combination of ancillaries tasks. Overall, I believe my products are effective in engaging my target audience's interest and was able to convey the message I wanted throughout each of my tasks. 

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