Friday 7 December 2012

Audience Feedback On First Draft Of My Digipak

I thought it would be a good idea to ask some students from my media course to ask their opinions on what they thought of my first drafts, ensuring that I am focusing on their desires.

To gain audience feedback, I printed off a questionnaire (including all of my drafts in colour on the piece of paper) asking for my peers to circle their favourite digipak combination and why. When I added up the results, 2 drafts had equal amounts of votes and therefore I thought it would be best to edit both combinations again, rather than pick just 1 out of the two, as my audience could change their minds and prefer a certain one on my next drafts. Here are the two combinations below that they liked:
They overall feedback I got from the questionnaire was that they liked the rose one for it's continuity within each panel and the liked the bottom one, due to the fact it follows typical conventions of Mayday Parade's existing album cover.

Although at first I would have liked to have had bright, bold colours on my digipak, the title of the album "The Memory" is about the past and therefore, I believe my peers are right in choosing the less saturated combinations, as they tie in well. Furthermore, the main themes portrayed on this album are songs about the past, reflecting on how love is a losing game. This is shown on all of the songs in my opinions but especially "The Memory", "Anywhere but here", "Bruised and Scared" and "Kids in Love". I believe the options that I have narrowed it down to, thanks to my target audience are the right choices.

Next Steps:
For my second drafts there are a few alterations that I will need to make in order for my digipak to look more realistic. For instance, I will need to:

  • Change the font of "The Memory" on the front cover, as it is not the same as the one I used on my advertisement poster (need to ensure I keep continuity throughout all of my products.
  • Add text onto the back cover e.g. song list and references at the bottom.
  • Add a barcode onto the back cover and record labels.
  • Add a thank you note onto the blank outside cover (on the left) to add more information onto the digipak.

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