Thursday 30 August 2012

Uses And Gratifications

Uses and Gratifications
When studying the uses and gratifications theory, there variety of different choices we make over what we want to watch. This means that music videos are only used for the entertainment purpose, but to gain some gratification from it. We as students have the power to select a model that best suits to us and make a choice on what satisfies us the most. The psychological basis for this model is known as the "Hierarchy Of Needs" created by Maslow, along with McQuail and Katz.

There are four main points when looking at this theory which include the following;
- finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings
society and the world
- seeking advice on practical matter or opinion and decision choices
- satisfying curiosity and general interest
- learning; self education
- gaining a sense of security though knowledge

Personal Identity
- finding reinforcement for personal values
- finding models of behaviour (to some extent)
- identifying with valued others in the media (in this case a music artist)
- gaining insight into oneself

Integration and Social
- gaining insight into the circumstances of others; social empathy
- identifying with others and gaining a sense of belonging
- finding a basis for conversation and social interaction
- having a substitute for real-life companionship
- helping to carry out social roles
- enabling one to connect with family, friends and society (mainly friends)


- escaping, or being diverted, from problems
- relaxing
- getting intrinsic cultural are aesthetic enjoyment
- filling time
- emotional release
- erotic/sexual arousal

Relating back to my video, I believe that most of these gratifications link with what I am aiming to achieve with my music video. Firstly, with the information post. Although there is not alot of information displayed in a music video, I would like to inform a message through my music video such as how one decision can change the rest of your life. Therefore, this come under the point of people "seeking advice on practical matter or opinion and decision choices". Even though it doesn't tell people what to do or what choice to make if they were in this situation, it does imply there are a variety of choices in life you can make just be careful on which one you choose as it could change both you and others lives forever. 

I also believe the my target audience will be able to view my video and gain personal identity from it, especially if they have been in either one of the characters positions, as they can relate to the situation. My target audience could even feel a sense of satisfaction that someone is going through the same emotions as they are (losing someone dear to them).

Furthermore, my music video could also link to social interaction and integration. I am aiming to gain insight into circumstances that could happen to others during their lifetime, which could evoke empathy for others. I would also like to try and use my music video to identify with others, to ensure they gain a sense of belonging, knowing that they are not the only ones who have gone through this situation. Also, as my music video has a touching twist to the end of the music video, my target audience by find a basis for conversation to discuss with their friends if they enjoy watching it.

Lastly, as music video are primarily used for entertainment purposes, I don't wish to disappoint on this factor. Additionally, I want to achieve ritual pleasures, meaning the audience who watch my music video are familiar with the conventions, due to the fact they have watched many from this genre. Along with the serious message that I am aiming to convey, music videos are for enjoyment purposes and therefore, I will try and achieve both in my final product.

I will make sure I consider each theory and recognise the codes and conventions in my music video to grab my target audience's attention. I will try and get audience feedback through the process of my work, so that I can give my target audience a product that they would like.

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