Wednesday 25 July 2012

My Short Story Script

After much deliberation on what I would like to do for my short film, I have decided to make one about testing someones luck, with a twist at the end to intrigued the viewers interest.

Quick summary:
The whole plot behind the short film is to express the idea that Friday the 13th can be unlucky for some, which is shown by someone going to buy a lottery ticket to test out his luck on this superstitious day. He goes to watch the lottery on the TV and releases he has won the jackpot and acts all cocky saying “Friday the 13t h, unlucky for some? *(pfft)* I believe that when I see it!” Runs outside to celebrate his winning victory and a gust of wind carried the ticket out of his hand and into the drain outside his house. Then a child or someone comes along who have observed this incident saying “that’s Friday the 13th for you!”

                                             Short Film Script from Catherine Baker

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