Thursday 19 July 2012

Media Evaluation On My Short Film

1.      Story Boarding/Scripting: On reflection, the story board we created was rather brief so we didn't really have much to go on. Although we had a vague idea of what subjects we wanted and how to set it out, we didn't really plan from any problems that might occur. For instance, some subjects like the music block didn't want us to film their classrooms, so we had to find others to film. When it comes to planning my main project or either a short film or a music video, I will ensure that I do both a thorough storyboard and script, so I know exactly what I am doing for the time I have to create my project.

2.       Locations: As we had to shot out short film in the school, we were restricted to where we could film and had to make do with what we got. Therefore, we had to make sure we had permission to film classes and at times (like at the end of the day) we had to place the camera in one of the school lockers so that the students acted normal, otherwise if they saw it they may try to ensure they weren't in the film, which would ruin what we needed for our piece. Overall, we planned well on what locations to use for our film, however, due to some teachers being unwilling to have their class recorded we had to change our initial plans that we made for our reece photos. When it comes to our main project, we will have more places to film and make it more interesting to watch.

3.       Talent: We decided against having a particular talent, as they may have different frees to ourselves, which could have been hard to kept continuity if we had to film them on different days as they would be wearing different clothes. Additionally, they may have been unreliable, which could have set us back, so filming classes was the much easier option. Furthermore, other people in our class were doing their projects on “the day in the life of...” someone and we wanted ours to be a little different and decided to do a day in the life of Southfield in general, so we had more scope to go with.

4.       Organisation: At the beginning of the task, we had really good organisational skills, as we planned what we were going to film and when together. However, we had several problems that occurred during our filming stage, which was someone had deleted all of our finished filming and as we hadn’t uploaded all of it onto the Mac, we had to do it all over again. Another dilemma that happened, was that due to the fact year 11’s where on exam leave and year 13’s had left the school was rather empty, but what made it even harder for us to film classes where that year 8,9 and 10 went on trips out like Govilian and Paris etc. Therefore, we had to film anything we could as our deadline was nearer approaching and we still had to do editing, which was the main thing to help put our project all together, so we had to rush the filming in the end. So as the project went, on our organisational skills did slip a bit and in the end, we filmed separately whenever we had the time, as we were both busy in other lessons at different times. Overall, I think for my main project, I will work by myself, as if I worked in a pair, both of us may be busy at different times and may have different ideas that we would like to create, so it will be easier to rely on myself and my own

5.       Teamwork: As I mentioned in my previous paragraph, at the beginning we had really good team work and organisation skills, as we both created a schedule to stick to and both the filming both together. However, once out filming got deleted of the camcorder and the deadline got nearer, we both had different responsibilities to cope with at different times and ended up filming individually at some points to ensure that our project got done on times. After learning that someone can be busy at the times you’re free, it has helped me realise that sometimes it is easier to rely on yourself. Therefore, I think I will do my main project on myself for this reason and when it comes to using talent for my main project I will ensure they are reliable people.

6.       Editing: this was probably the hardest part for us, as we decided to have the clocks spinning fats as the back ground and then have different shots of each classroom, at the set time we would in real life. Therefore, it took us several lessons to edit each clip on the right time that you would have on a normal day at school. Once, we got the hang of how to use iMovie, we learnt a lot and the editing came along well.

7.       The final product: Overall, we were pleased with the final product considering the complications we had during our filming stages and the rushing of the editing to get it finished on time. On reflection we could have done the final project differently by having all the tiny clips on the screen at one go, or having the little clips to fill the full screen and have the clock pop up at the change of lesson to show the times and routine we have as a school in general. However, with the time we did and the task we were set we got our initial idea done and produced in time, which we were happy with. Hopefully, with my main project, due to the fact I’ll have less restrictions on locations and talent, I’ll be able to create a better film or music video depending on what I chose.

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