Friday 29 June 2012

Reece Photos For The 1 Minute Film

As we are currently creating our transitional piece into A2, we have to make a short 1 minute film of "A Day In The Life Of..." Me and my friend Sofie are working as a pair to create a day in the life of Southfields School For Girls in general. Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to take pictures of particular objects that will be featured in our one minute film. This will give you an idea of what shots we are going to take and where we plan on taking them in the school.

The shot of the clock is the first thing that will be shown on our short film. Although this is clock reads 5pm, when we actually film it, it will be at around about 8 o'clock or just before first lesson.

The shot of a classroom will be following on from the clock scene, to show first lesson beginning. Obviously, there will be students in the room being taught by a teacher instead of it being empty. This was just to show want a classroom looked like in our school and where one of our shots will be based in.

We will then try and get a clip of students working in the ICT suites, showing that not all lessons are theory based and we do get some practical time, learning new skills on the computers too.

After second lesson, there is a mad rush for the trolley which is usually placed down this hallway, so people can grab their food quickly instead of having to go to the hall. Again, the trolley will actually be there (stating the obvious there) and the corridor will be a lot more crowded than it is now.

Once break is over, we will continue with a shot from the music department, showing children being taught and playing their musical instruments. This will help show the variety of subjects we do at Southfields.

Following on from third lesson, if fourth lesson, which we are planning to film in the new sports hall that has been built. As we are a specialist sports academy, we thought that we reinforce that we take this subject seriously as well as having fun in our subjects too. 

Moving on from fourth lesson, we have lunch and therefore, there will be shots of people entering the hall and going into the canteen to buy their food.

Once lunch is over, we move on to our fifth and final lesson. We have decided to add one of our creative subjects, as we don't just do academic subjects. By filming a variety of subjects show we are a versatile school and shows the variety of subjects a student can have each day of their time there. 

 A close up of the bell will be shown, to indicate it is the end of the day where the mad rush of people leave the school premises.

 Afterwards, there will be a shot of the mad rush of people leaving school to go home. We will hide the camera in one of the lockers so people will act normal and not act shy around the camera if we just stood there holding it, as some students prefer not to be filmed.

Lastly, there will be a final shot of the bell which will fade out, to show that it is the end of the school day but will start all over again the next day.

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