Tuesday 1 May 2012

Getting Started

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Blog!

Before starting my coursework for next year, I will be doing a transitional piece of making a 1 minute short film in "A day in the life of..." This particular piece has to be set in a school environment. We are also allowed to work in pairs, so for this task I am going to work with one of my friends Sofie. 

Later on, I will be moving on to the main task, which is either to create a promotional music video or a short film. At this moment in time, I am undecided on which task to choose and therefore, I will be doing research into existing short films and music videos and analyse them to help me come to a decision. I will then update my work on here to show the different stages of my work and the progress I am making. Hope you enjoy reading my work:)

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